Electrotherapy St. Louis
Esquire Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine are dedicated to treating pain. One of the most effective ways we have of doing this is with electrotherapy.

Electrotherapy actually treats pain by stimulating your body to release its own pain defenses, opiates, and endorphins.
Electrotherapy will be most likely be used in conjunction with other therapy during the beginning stages of your treatment at Esquire. This allows the nerves to begin blocking the pain paths quickly and releases those natural chemicals in your body that will fight the pain safely.
Car Accident Injury and Electrotherapy
The small electrical pulses used during electrotherapy stimulates circulation and help control pain patterns. The pain from cervical radiculopathy, a condition seen often in car accident victims, can be eased when electrotherapy is applied.
Cervical radiculopathy not only is a painful neck injury, the pain also radiates down your arm. By administering electrotherapy in conjunction with other treatments the initial neck pain may be controlled, as is the secondary pains.
Work-Related Injury and Electrotherapy
Carpal Tunnel syndrome is a common painful condition seen in our Missouri and Illinois workers. In some cases, the condition can only be relieved with surgery. Electrotherapy is an effective way of dealing with post-surgical pain and helping to heal the area quickly.
Post-surgery rehabilitation for carpal tunnel surgery is critical if you want to restore full function to the wrist and hand. The muscles and tendons receive the stimulation they need after surgery to control the painful inflammation and restore mobility.
Sports Injury and Electrotherapy
Electrotherapy is an adjective therapy that works well in the arena of sports medicine. The electrical pulses applied to the painful area affected by a sports injury are able to get the player back in the game faster.
Many baseball, tennis, and football athletes we treat for rotator cuff injuries see positive results from the use of electrotherapy. This type of treatment reduces inflammation, increases circulation and reduces the pain pattern at the shoulder joint. Our experienced staff knows exactly where to place the electrotherapy to restore function and relieve pain due to a rotator cuff injury.