Frozen Shoulder
If you are suffering from a frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis), you are not alone. Dr. Droege knows the pain you are feeling is excruciating and works to relieve that pain as quickly as possible.

Frozen shoulder is an injury that affects thousands of St. Louis residents and one of the most painful that is treated by the medical staff at Esquire Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. Dr. Droege knows that the pain you are feeling is excruciating and puts every effort into relieving that pain as quickly as possible. Even a simple task like brushing your teeth or putting on a shirt is an ordeal for an individual suffering from a frozen shoulder.
What Causes Frozen Shoulder?
Frozen shoulder is often the result of trauma to the area due to a car accident or work-related incident. Neck injuries, like whiplash, are also known to affect the shoulder and cause the joint to stiffen. At first, you may feel slight irritation in the area which will quickly manifest into acute pain as the shoulder joint becomes increasingly tight. What makes this worse is that the pain you are in will exacerbate the symptoms, increasing its intensity.
The loss of range of motion in your shoulder is the first indication that you are suffering from frozen shoulder. The key to stopping the pain lies in Dr. Droege’s diagnosis and treatment protocols. We will do a complete physical medical examination along with your medical history to help in identifying what is causing the irritation to the joint.
Treatment is two-fold with frozen shoulder pain. The pain is our first priority in order to restore your mobilization, but treating the source is also critical in order to prevent a recurrence. Your pain treatment regimen for frozen shoulder may include exercise therapy, mobilization, water therapy, and trigger point therapy.
When a patient walks into the oldest sports medicine clinic in St. Louis with a frozen shoulder, our staff knows they need to act quickly. This condition can go on for years if not diagnosed and treated correctly. Call (314) 644-0855 today if a slight irritation in your shoulder has suddenly turned into a loss of mobility. The staff at Esquire will examine, diagnose, and do the proper testing to find out the cause of your dysfunction.