Lower Back Pain
Chiropractic care for the lower back is the preferred choice for those who suffer from this painful condition.

Esquire Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine take pride in providing quality and effective treatment plans for all types and causes of back pain. Our goal is to try and help you to relieve the pain before your condition worsens. This means finding the cause of that pain and treating it effectively.
Dr. Droege firmly believes in the whole body approach to healing lower back pain and strives to educate his patients on ways to avoid its recurrence.
What Causes Lower Back Pain?
With back pain, whether it be the lower, mid, or upper region, there are dozens of different causes to consider. Injury from a car accident or work-related accident is common as are sports injuries to the back. Assessment, not only of your physical state but also of your lifestyle will be critical in determining the cause of your lower back pain.
Pain in the lower back is easy to diagnosis, but finding the cause is the key to treating it. Dr. Droege can come to a conclusion about what is causing your pain by examination and testing such as MRI.
Your treatment plan for your lower back pain is dependent on what Dr. Droege finds to be causing it. There are a number of methods that are used at Esquire to treat painful back injury including:
- Spinal Adjustment: If it is a bulging or herniated disc that is making your backache, examination, and testing, such as MRI, need to be prescribed. This non-invasive technique is sought by thousands in St. Louis each year.
- Exercise Therapy: Prescribing light exercise movements that focus on the painful area will increase blood flow and mobility.
- Ultrasound Therapy: If the pain is muscular, ultrasound applied at the site will stimulate the muscle and reduce its swelling.
Treating lower back pain is the primary reason patients seek chiropractic care. Call the office with 38 years of experience at (314) 644-0855.