Pinched Nerve
A pinched nerve can cause excruciating pain. Do not ignore the signs of a pinched nerve; it can turn into something more serious if not treated quickly.

Nerves are running throughout your entire body, sending messages to and from the brain. When one of these nerves is pinched or compressed, the pain it causes can be excruciating. Don’t ignore the signs of a pinched nerve, as it can quickly manifest into something more serious if not treated quickly.
When you call Dr. Droege and Esquire Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine for the treatment of pain caused by a pinched nerve, you can expect personalized care that gets to the root of the problem to correct the pain. A pinched nerve occurs in a number of positions on the body and will result in a pain that ranges in intensity from a mild annoyance to one that is so severe you are left physically incapacitated.
What Causes a Pinched Nerve?
The word pinched is misleading, because the pain you are feeling is actually the result of the nerve being compressed. This is often the result of repetitive motions, like those related to your job, or from something as simple as sleeping for too long in one position. The nerves in the neck, shoulder, and lower back areas are most vulnerable to this condition
When the medical staff at Esquire sets out to diagnose a pinched nerve. You may assume that the tingling in your arm is being caused by a pinched nerve in your elbow, but the real cause could actually be in the neck. A complete medical and personal history is necessary as well as a physical examination to properly identify the source to make sure that the right pain treatment method is applied.
At Esquire, the goal when treating the pain of a compressed nerve is to correct the condition that is causing the pain. A pinched nerve in the back or neck may be a symptom of a bulging or herniated disc. Nerve pain in your leg may be caused by repetitive trauma from the sports that you play. In each individual situation, it is important to first identify the cause before initiating treatment.
For managing the pain that the pinched nerve is causing, our team may employ a combination of pain relieving techniques including:
- Chiropractic Adjustment: With manipulation, the compression can be relieved along with the pain.
- Ultrasound Therapy: The use of sound waves has been found to be effective in decreasing soft tissue and muscle inflammation. By reducing that swelling with ultrasound therapy the pain pattern is often reduced.
- Exercise Therapy: To promote mobility and circulation to the area, specialized exercise therapy may be prescribed. This type of therapy offered at Esquire will be administered personally and adjusted to take into account any physical limitations.
If you are experiencing numbness, burning, tingling, or pain, let Dr. Droege take a look. Chances are one of the hundreds of nerves in your body is being compressed and causing you discomfort. With a precise diagnosis of your pinched nerve and a pain treatment regimen, your pain is often quickly alleviated. Call us at (314) 644-0885 today.