Ultrasound Therapy
Dr. Droege and his medical team are prepared to administer ultrasound therapy for a variety of painful conditions. Depending on the type of injury you have, you may be treated in one of two ways.

Thermal ultrasound therapy is the continuous flow of sound waves as a way to warm the soft tissues and promote them to heal.
Mechanical ultrasound therapy works with pulses of sound waves to expand and contract the soft tissue. This is an effective treatment for pain that is caused by swelling, such as you see with carpal tunnel syndrome.
Car Accident Injury and Ultrasound Therapy
Patients suffering from a car crash may experience multiple injuries that can be treated with ultrasound therapy. Ultrasound therapy can help you recover faster.
A shoulder injury from a car accident can lead to frozen shoulder, a painful condition that limits the mobility of the entire arm. With ultrasound therapy, the painful symptoms of frozen shoulder are relieved, while the sound waves gently work on the stiffness to improve your range of motion. This may take a number of treatments, combined with other modalities.
Work-Related Injury and Ultrasound Therapy
Thousands of St. Louis workers have walked through our doors in pain, and left feeling the relief given by our various therapies. Ultrasound therapy is especially beneficial to work-related injury as it provides pain relief quickly allowing the patient to return to work quickly.
Knee injuries are a common complaint in the workforce, especially for those construction workers and plumbers who are often on all fours for long periods of time. When surgery is the only solution to repairing a knee injury, our doctors have rehabilitative protocols that get you back to work quickly. Workers that have had arthroscopic knee surgery may benefit from ultrasound therapy to reduce the swelling, restore range of motion, and decrease the pain pattern.
Sports Injury and Ultrasound Therapy
When athletes walk into our clinic in pain, their first concern is often how soon they will be able to play again. We address this by finding the fastest and most effective ways of relieving the pain caused by their sports injury. This is often done by using ultrasound therapy.
A meniscus tear is an injury to the knee commonly seen in sports like football and soccer that will force any athlete to have to sit on the sidelines. Ultrasound therapy helps reduce inflammation and swelling.